Radiation Decontamination Solutions
The Quick Decon Transition Metals (TM), Actinides (A), and Halogens (H) solutions are the world’s most effective and safest solutions for radiation decontamination of radioactive surfaces including human skin.
These solutions were developed by a combination of nuclear pharmacists, nuclear chemists, radiation experts, and NASA consultants with many years of experience in the nuclear and medical device industry. They have succeeded in the goal to develop a formula that would safely and significantly remove radioactive material from human skin and on other surfaces in the event of a nuclear event.
Radioactive contamination poses several cleanup problems including the following: the safety of cleanup personnel, control of waste volume, and end-state contamination level. In an effort to address these problems, we have investigated the use of ion-exchange resin preparation technology to treat contaminated surfaces.
These products reduce cleanup time; control waste volume and leave the surface in a state where minimal radioactive contamination is present.
Quick Decon Solutions
Effective on 63 different elements
~80%-90% reduction on 1st pass
Non-Toxic, Environmentally friendly
FDA approved for use on intact human skin
Water-based and "Resin Bed friendly"
Available in Field Ready kits or Pre-moistened wipes for emergency response
10 year Shelf Life

The Quick Decon Solution (QDS) family of products can significantly reduce
time and personal dose associated with ALL decontamination efforts and tasks
The core technology is called the "Mass Effect" influence. When our proprietary solutions are introduced to a contaminated surface, the radioactive material is lifted from the surface and suspended in the solution, where it can be easily wiped up or rinsed away as radioactive waste. Spray on, let solution penetrate for 1-5 mins, and then wipe down or rinse off. Our products are currently in use in commercial waste facilities and in hospitals, with a proven track record of significantly reducing time and dose on critical path applications such as Cavity Decon.
QDS is available in two (2) solution types: Liquid Solution & GEL
The QDS TM Gel is designed to optimize time on vertical surfaces to improve first-pass decontamination results
The QDS TM GEL is extremely desirable to use for Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) RX Cavity cleaning and use in general at NPP’s because of its unique ability to remove the radioactive contaminants from solution WITHOUT binding or affecting the resin binding sites. The Decon GEL has NO Ionics (available free radicals) and contains no detergents and thus is ‘inert’ to the resin materials. Therefore, the active ‘sites’ for the Rad Waste resins are left uncompromised/unused and available to filter out the targeted contaminants from the RCS, etc.
For the above reasons, and because the Quick Decon solution is 98% H2O, it passes straight through the resins with no negative effects.
Each solution is ion-specific and specially prepared to address a specific chemical group.
The Transition Metals (TM) solution will pick up Cesium, Cobalt, Strontium, Chromium, Manganese, Iron, Zinc & Nickel.
The Actinide (A) solution will pick up Plutonium, Uranium, Titanium, Technetium, Americium, Radium, etc.
The Halogen (H) solution will pick up Iodine, Fluorine, Chlorine, etc

Nuke Away Decon Spray Bottle
Any of the QDS Solutions (Trace Minerals, Actinides, or Halogens)
are available for use in the Nuke Away Dual Sprayer
The spray bottle dispenses two liquids at the same time at a predetermined, fixed dilution ratio. This makes it ideal for decontaminating surfaces where the radioactive source term is unknown.
Safe & quick ionic-focused solution for radiation removal
Cost Effective
Safe surface radiation isotope remover
First line for safe radiation defense
Can be used on intact human skin
Environmentally friendly
Far superior to Radiacwash or any other similar product
Effective on 63 different elements
A revolutionary scientific product for radiation decontamination.
Now, scientifically formulated products used by nuclear power plants and nuclear waste facilities are available to emergency personnel, first responders and the general public. For the first time, using one easy Emergency RadDecon Kit, you can safely, quickly, and significantly remove radioactive material from yourself and surfaces. Decontaminate yourself, your family, and your important possessions in the event of a radiation emergency.
The Emergency RadDecon Kit is the world's most effective and safest solution for radiation decontamination of radioactive surfaces including human skin.
Our products are currently in use to remove radioactive material in many nuclear power plants, nuclear waste facilities and in hospitals with nuclear medicine departments throughout the United States and abroad.
These products are NOT radioactive before use. The liquid solutions should NOT be used on open wounds and should NOT be ingested.
Product Matrix.
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